Blogzine de @jlori


Ross Mayfield muda su Market, Technology and Musings a Fair & Balanced y mantiene Socialtext y Many-to-Many, además de coordinar la tribu de bloggers de Ryze.
Crece la comunidad de Educational Bloggers, que ya cuenta con su propia red Educational Bloggers' Network y un buen blog informativo Edublog News.

Tres recursos a explorar: Bloglines Free, Web-Based News Aggregator, Memeufacture : weblog and automated trend reporting, y vía el renovado HTML Life: Teleport Pro: a fully automated, multithreaded, file-retrieving Web spider. The program gives you the ability to completely download a Web site, browse it offline, create a mirror of the site, search the site for files of a certain type, and then download the list of files and their URLs.

Publicado por @jlori en 2003-08-20 14:10

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